Statement of Faith #WeBelieve
The Scriptures
We believe that all 66 books of the bible are the inspired Word of God, without error and that the entirety of scripture was given by the Spirit of God to each author.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus alone is The Way, The Truth, and The Life and the only way to eternal life and a relationship with God the Father. We believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and announced by angels. We believe that Jesus is all God and all man and lived the only perfect, sinless life accompanied by signs, miracles, and the sacrifice of His own life.
The Gospel
We believe the gospel is the good news that God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ into the world to be crucified for the sins of the world and to rise from the dead defeating sin, death, Satan, and hell through His victory.
We believe that salvation, peace with God, and being saved from hell and the final judgment spoken of in the scriptures is available to anyone that believes on the name of Jesus, His finished work, and repents of sin.
We believe that while Baptism is not essential for salvation; every person who has been saved should be water baptized according to the command of Christ and that all who are saved would by the Spirit’s leading, desire to take this step of obedience.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells each person that surrenders their heart and life to Jesus Christ and believes the gospel for salvation. We believe that the person and work of the Holy Spirit seals and empowers every believer, baptizing them into the Body of Christ. We believe that the Holy Spirit will come upon any believer who asks in faith, enabling him/her to preach the Gospel in power. We further believe that all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, mentioned in the Scriptures, are valid for today and that they are to be exercised within the scriptural guidelines set forth by the Spirit. We believe that love is the greatest of the Spirit’s gifts and makes all the other gifts complimentary.
The Trinity
We believe in one personal, transcendent, Triune God, the creator of all, who is eternal, and who manifests Himself in three separate persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that all people are by nature born in sin, separated from God and responsible for their own sin; but that salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that even after salvation, believers in Christ still sin and fall short of God’s perfection but are no longer in bondage to sin and are continually cleansed by the blood of Christ and the ministry of the Spirit.
Spiritual Warfare
We believe there is a literal Satan, demonic forces, and fallen angels, who as the scriptures proclaim, are in a continuous effort to deceive the world, destroy lives, and fight against the Church which Jesus established. We believe these same Satanic forces are destined for hell and can be defeated and resisted by the help of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that fellowship is first reflected in the relationship of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit but that in Christ there is fellowship as a family where brothers and sisters in Christ love and care for one another. We believe that fellowship, the building of relationships, is essential for growth and encouragement.
We believe that after salvation, it is the desire and command of Christ that every Christian become a disciple and bearing fruit through initial baptism, obeying the Word of God, prayer, fellowship, and sharing with others what Christ has done for them.
The Lord’s Supper
We believe that the Church, as commanded by Christ, should regularly come together and remember the death and sacrifice of Christ through the communion elements.
Church Leadership
We believe Jesus Christ is the head of the Body, His Church, and that individual church government should be simplistic, rather than complex and bureaucratic. We believe that Christ, by the Holy Spirit and through the scriptures ordained the role of Pastors, Elders, and Deacons and that each of these roles are to be under the authority of the Word of God, marked by love and humility, and led by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that God, from the beginning of Creation, had a special role for families in reflecting God’s emphasis on relationships. We believe that God’s design for families, marriage, men, women, children, and the home are given to strengthen lives. We also believe that the Church family is one of God’s blessings for those without a family and an encouragement to all families.
We believe in and await the pre-tribulation rapture of the church and believe that at the Second Coming of Christ He will visibly set up his throne on earth and personally rule with His saints for 1000 years. This motivates us as the body of Christ to holy living, heartfelt worship, and committed service to Jesus until He returns.