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Oct 11, 2023

A Devouring Judgment and A Sacred Call

A Devouring Judgment and A Sacred Call

Passage: Joel

Speaker: Pastor Tim White

Series: 2023 Book of Joel Wednesday Series

Category: Joel

Pastor Tim begins a brand-new and timely midweek series in the Book of Joel with message & study from Chapter 1 titled: A Devouring Judgment and A Sacred Call. Ancient Israel had just experienced a highly unusual and devastating plague that God had allowed to come upon the land and in that same time He raised up the prophet Joel to implore the nation to call upon the Lord with humility and repentance. We need to do the same in our nation and around the world as God alone is our help and healing. Hope to see you there! #JoelSeries #JudgmentAndMercy #FromAncientToEndTimes #ProphecySeries